Scorpion Habitat

Where Do Scorpions Live?

Scorpions can be observed in many types of habitats. However, most scorpions prefer deserts and semi-arid regions.

Most scorpions hide under logs, rocks, boards and clutter. Some, such as the bark scorpion, rest on vertical surfaces like trees, bushes and walls.


There are also quite a few scorpions that spend daylight in burrows. Scorpion burrows can be a meter deep, depending on the dryness of the location. To form a burrow, scorpions dig to a depth where moisture and temperature are suitable and comfortable. Burrows are usually only made to accommodate one scorpion.

Some scorpions wait at their burrows to ambush their prey. One particular species, the Anuroctonus Phaiodactylus, waits for any hapless prey to enter. Its powerful claws are the primary means of attacking its victims. It leaves its burrow openings visible from the surface, and these are oval or crescent-shaped. Only adult male scorpions leave the burrows for long periods to find prospective mates.

Scorpion Activity

Scorpions are most active during the night, although they can also be seen during the day where it is cool and moist. Scorpions prey on insects, spiders and other invertebrates. They are able to detect their prey by sensing the preys’ vibrations as they move.

Scorpions are known for hiding and waiting for their prey. If the prey is small, they crush it or, if larger, inject it with venom - a complex mixture of neurotoxins that affects the victim's nervous system. Although the venom is used to capture prey, scorpions can use it to defend themselves from predators or other threats.

Once the prey is subdued, the scorpion will begin to feed. Scorpions are only able to ingest liquids so the solid matter is discarded after feeding.


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