Scorpions in Phoenix

Phoenix Scorpion Issues

The warm summer months in Phoenix, AZ, bring potential danger to area residents, since the risk of scorpion stings rises as the weather heats up. Mostly inactive during the day, scorpions can enter homes by accident, especially during the monsoon season. However, these pests are normally found in yards, bushes, or hiding under rocks. When they do come inside, scorpions will look for protective cover in places that are dark and cool such as closets, quiet corners, and sometimes even shoes and clothing.

Bark scorpions are the most common species found in the Phoenix area. Expert climbers, these pests are only an inch and a half long as adults, with light tan bodies and easily recognizable pincers and tails. Unlike other scorpions, they may overwinter in large numbers. The sting of these pests produces severe pain and numbness and can also lead to difficulty breathing, muscle spasms, and convulsions. Phoenix residents should seek immediate medical attention in the event of a scorpion sting.

More Information:

Deadly Scorpions

Desert Scorpions

Other Types of Scorpions


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