Termites in Colorado
Termite Activity in Colorado
Termites are active in much of Colorado, from Fort Collins to Denver to Colorado Springs and from Grand Junction to Durango. Termites are less common in the northwest corner of the state.
What Types of Termites Are in Colorado?
Subterranean termites are known to damage homes in Colorado. Experts also have reported drywood termite infestations around Grand Junction, Colorado.
Subterranean termite:
Drywood termite:
Are Formosan Termites in Colorado?
Formosan termites have not been identified in Colorado.
Formosan termite:
Formosan Termite
When Do Termites Swarm in Colorado?
Generally, termites swarm on a warm day after a rainfall. Swarms also may occur during the winter in heated buildings. The swarming habits of the most common species in Colorado are described below.
The eastern subterranean termite swarms in daylight from March to May.
The arid-land subterranean termite swarms during the day in the spring and fall.
Located in isolated areas throughout the state, the western drywood termite swarms during the day in the fall.
More Information about Termites in Colorado
According to Termite Infestation Probability Zones (TIP Zones), roughly one-third of Colorado is located in TIP Zone #2 (moderate to heavy), which means the potential for termite damage is considered significant. Another third of the state is located in TIP Zone #3 (slight to moderate), which means there is some potential for damage by subterranean termites. Areas with higher probabilities for termite activity require more termite control measures to meet International Residential Code building standards for new homes than areas with less frequent activity.
Although drywood termites are not established throughout all of Colorado, it is possible for them to spread through transported wooden objects, such as furniture and wine crates. Drywood termites have been found in areas far from their typical native habitats. A licensed termite control expert can help identify species not native to the area.
In states like Colorado where termites are fairly active and widespread, it is essential to maintain an effective termite prevention and control program. If you own a home in Colorado, talk to your termite control expert about methods to help protect your home from termite infestations and damage.