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common pests
Common Pests in Conyers, GA
Pest Control
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Like most parts of the South, Conyers experiences warm, humid weather much of the year, making it an ideal breeding ground for pests.
Cockroaches carry bacteria, and as they walk across your food prep surfaces, can potentially spread harmful pathogens that can make you and your loved ones sick. Cockroaches multiply quickly, and standard home remedies to rid your home of these pests aren't always effective.
Mosquitoes are also a common problem as they thrive in moist environments. A female mosquito will continuously bite you until she's full, which means you could have a number of itchy bite marks after an evening on your patio. Additionally, mosquitoes may carry and transmit dangerous viruses, such as Zika and West Nile.
Termite treatment in Conyers may save you quite a bit of money when you consider that termites create billions of dollars worth of collective damage to American homes each year. Termites reproduce quickly, so it doesn't take long before they expand their colony to hundreds or thousands of wood-devouring insects.
Bed bugs have been found in all 50 states. Although Georgia doesn't rank as one of the states with the highest number of bed bug outbreaks, we still require dependable bed bug control in Conyers. Bed bugs don't transmit disease. However, their bites can cause quite an itchy reaction for most people. Orkin can promptly send an inspector to evaluate your situation and formulate an appropriate plan to help get rid of bed bugs in your Conyers home. We use a targeted approach to deliver Conyers bed bug treatment that helps find all the sneaky adult insect as well as their eggs and larvae.
Contact Orkin today to discuss our pest control options.
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