Bed Bug Smell
Bed Bug on a dime.
What Do Bed Bugs Smell Like?
When bed bugs attach themselves to people or clothing, often in infested public places, they can be inadvertently introduced into homes. People can spot signs of an infestation in a number of ways, including by odor. A musty, sweet smell, often likened to berries, is commonly attributed to these pests. It often takes a large infestation to detect this bed bug smell.
Other signs of infestation include:
Dark blood stains on sheets and bedding.
Itchy, irritated skin from bites.
Impact of Bed Bugs Infestations
The presence of these small pests is unsettling for many people. During the evening, bed bugs use an anesthetic in their saliva to bite people without being detected. They tend to focus on the head and neck, but will attack any exposed skin. Although their bites cause discomfort, the pests are not known to spread diseases. They are, however, extremely difficult to control.
Detection & Removal
Most insects have defense mechanisms and bed bugs are no exception. Bed bugs use an alarm pheromone to increase mobility in response to certain situations. This causes bed bugs to move away from areas of the home, often foiling removal attempts.
This bed bug smell is an effective way for the pests to communicate and remain hidden. Because of their elusiveness, it is best to contact the professionals at Orkin for effective removal.