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Can You See Dead Bed Bugs?

Two Bed Bugs Up Close

Two Bed Bugs Up Close

Since living bed bug adults as nymphs and eggs are visible with the naked eye, it is reasonable to assume that dead bugs are also visible. It is possibly a bit harder to see them than live ones, but still visible if one looks carefully.

In order to see bed bugs, it is valuable to know what you’re looking for.


Bed Bug Adults: Brownish, reddish in color, are about 5-7 mm (3/16-1/4 inch) long and look at lot like an apple seed.

Nymphs: Smaller than adults and depending upon their nymphal stage, will range from the about the size of a sesame seed to slightly less than the size of an adult.

Eggs: Very small and look like individual grains of sand.

Other Evidence: It is important to know what other evidence of bed bugs looks like. Therefore, be on the lookout for the following:

  • Cast skins that are left behind by bed bugs during the molting process

  • Small reddish-black fecal droppings

  • The appearance of blood spots on sheets or other bedding items


Protect Your Home from Bed Bugs

Are Bed Bugs Nocturnal? | Do Bed Bugs Only Bite At Night?

Do Bed Bugs Hide in Pillows? | Signs of Bed Bugs

Do Bed Bugs Feed Every Night? | Bed Bug Life Cycle

Pest Control

Bed Bug Pest Control Treatment | Bed Bug Exterminator

Bed bug image

Do Bed Bug Bombs Work? | Bed Bug Traps

Do you use super heating to kill bed bugs?


Do you use super heating to kill bed bugs?

What Do Bed Bugs and Eggs Look Like on Clothes?


What do I do with the clothes?

Spraying for bed bugs did not work


If the neighboring unit has bed bugs, am I looking at being sprayed every three months?

Bed Bug Bites on Humans | Get Rid of Bed Bugs

What Eats Bed Bugs? | Bed Bug Predators

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