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Do Bed Bugs Come Out When The Lights Are On?

Magnified Picture of Adult Bed Bug

Magnified Picture of Adult Bed Bug

Bed bugs are generally considered to be nocturnal and prefer to forage for a host and take a blood meal during the night. They also will come out in the daytime or at night when lights are on, in order to take a blood meal, especially if there were no human hosts in the structure for a while and they are hungry.

Other Reasons Bed Bugs Are Seen During the Day:

  • Bed bugs will often change their normal nocturnal behavior and feed during the day if the resident(s) work at night and sleep during the daytime.

  • When a bed bug infestation is very large.

Another situation that may cause activity in a lit environment is when bat bugs, which are very similar in appearance to bed bugs, come out during the day or night to consume blood from their preferred hosts, which are bats or birds.

Regardless of the causes, if an occupant sees bed bugs during the day, it is wise to seek the assistance of a professional management professional.


Protect Your Home from Bed Bugs

Are Bed Bugs Nocturnal? | Do Bed Bugs Only Bite At Night?

Do Bed Bugs Hide in Pillows? | Signs of Bed Bugs

Do Bed Bugs Feed Every Night? | Bed Bug Life Cycle

Pest Control

Bed Bug Pest Control Treatment | Bed Bug Exterminator

Bed bug image

Do Bed Bug Bombs Work? | Bed Bug Traps

Do you use super heating to kill bed bugs?


Do you use super heating to kill bed bugs?

What Do Bed Bugs and Eggs Look Like on Clothes?


What do I do with the clothes?

Spraying for bed bugs did not work


If the neighboring unit has bed bugs, am I looking at being sprayed every three months?

Bed Bug Bites on Humans | Get Rid of Bed Bugs

What Eats Bed Bugs? | Bed Bug Predators

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