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Beetle Facts & Information

Protect your home or business from beetles by learning techniques for identification and control.

Beetle illustration


Types of Beetles

What do beetles look like?

Beetles come in many shapes, sizes and colors. Some, like the click beetles, are long and slender. Some beetles like lady beetles and June beetles (also known as June bugs) have an oval or rounded shape. There are even beetles that resemble spiders.

Common Beetles

Learn More About Common Beetles



Sphenophorus spp.

Blister Beetles

Blister Beetle

Carpet Beetles

Carpet Beetle

Citrus Longhorned Beetles

Citrus Longhorned Beetle

Anoplophora chinensis

Click Beetles

Click Beetle

Family Elateridae

Firefly Life Cycle & Habitat | Lightning Bug Facts


Foreign Grain Beetles

Foreign Grain Beetle

Ahasverus advena (Waltl)

Ground Beetles

Ground Beetle

Family Carabidae

How to ID Japanese Beetles | Get Rid of Japanese Beetles

Japanese Beetle

Popillia japonica

What are June Bugs? | June Bug Facts

June Bug

Asian Lady Beetles

Asian Lady Beetle

Harmonia axyridis (Pallas)

What are Stink Beetles? | Get Rid of Stink Beetles

Stink Beetle


Whitemarked Spider Beetles

Whitemarked Spider Beetle

Ptinus fur

Common Beetles

Learn More About Beetles You May See in Your Cabinets

American Spider Beetles

American Spider Beetle

Mezium americanum

Cigarette Beetles

Cigarette Beetle

Lasioderma serricorne

Dried Fruit Beetles

Dried Fruit Beetle

Carpophilus hemipterus (L.)

Drugstore Beetles

Drugstore Beetle

Stegobium paniceum

Flour Beetles

Flour Beetle

Family Tenebrionidae

Larder Beetles

Larder Beetle

Dermestes lardarius (L.)

How to Prevent Pantry Bugs | Pantry Beetle Infestation

Pantry Beetle

Order: Coleoptera

Plaster Beetles

Plaster Beetle

Family Lathridiidae

Redlegged Ham Beetle

Redlegged Ham Beetle

Necrobia rufipes

Sawtoothed Grain Beetles

Sawtoothed Grain Beetle

Oryzaephilus surinamensis (L.)

Shiny Spider Beetles

Shiny Spider Beetle

Mezium affine

Warehouse Beetles

Warehouse Beetle

Warehouse Beetle

Common Beetles

Learn More About Wood or Tree Damaging Beetles

How to Identify Anobiid Powderpost Beetles

Anobiid Powderpost Beetle

Family Anobiidae

Asian Longhorned Beetles

Asian Longhorned Beetle

Common Pine Shoot Beetles

Common Pine Shoot Beetle

Tomicus piniperda

Elm Leaf Beetles

Elm Leaf Beetle

Pyrrhalta luteola (Muller)

Emerald Ash Borers

Emerald Ash Borer

Agrilus planipennis

Get Rid of European Spruce Bark Beetles

European Spruce Bark Beetle

Ips typographus

How to Identify Bostrichid Powderpost Beetles

Bostrichids Powderpost Beetle

Family Bostrichidae

Furniture Beetles

Furniture Beetle

Anobuim punctatum

How To Identify & Get Rid Of Lyctids Powderpost Beetles

Lyctid Powderpost Beetle

How To Identify & Get Rid of Powderpost Beetles

Powderpost Beetle


How do I get rid of beetles?

What You Can Do

Habitat Reduction & Non-Chemical Treatments

  • Some beetles can simply be removed by using a vacuum or other means of physical removal. Your PMP can provide advice on which of the beetles can be effectively controlled in this manner.

  • Inspect foodstuff, fabrics and wooden items prior to bringing them into the home or business to help prevent some problems. Also, moisture control works to help prevent beetle infestations. If an infestation is found, replace and discard infested foodstuffs, fabrics or wooden items.

  • Several types of beetles are attracted to lights inside a home or business. Efforts to reduce the attractiveness of lights and sealing entrances into a structure are helpful in preventing problems.

  • Good sanitation practices and removing foods that support beetle development and reproduction can be accomplished with a vacuum or another form of mechanical removal.

  • Use the “first-in, first-out” concept to help control both food and wood-destroying beetles. Avoid accumulating old fabrics by regularly cleaning out closets to prevent or lessen the possibility of fabric beetle infestation.

What Orkin Does

Your Orkin Pro will put together a specialized beetle treatment program to ensure your pest problem doesn't stand a chance. While the specific treatment procedures and methods may vary based on the specific diet and habitat of the pest beetle, the components of an effective and efficient treatment closely follow those of a comprehensive integrated pest management (IPM) program.

Inspection & Treatment Plan

When beetles become a pest problem, your pest management professional (PMP) will provide a thorough inspection to accurately identify the pest beetle. Based on the findings, your PMP will develop an effective treatment plan to resolve the problems specific to your home. Accurate identification is critical, so that the right methods are applied. Otherwise, a wrong ID can result in a plan that does not work.

Customer Education

Education that explains the life cycle and an explanation of why control efforts cannot be directed only where adult beetles are found will be provided. Therefore, the treatment plan will include targeting areas where the immature stages live and taking action so that they do not become adults. Your PMP will help recognize damage and the signs and kinds of fabric, wood or foodstuffs that beetles infest. Also, customer education will target the use of re-infestation prevention methods once the pest problem is resolved.

Plan Execution & Monitoring

The treatment plan may include using pheromone-based traps that are useful for determining insect development sites and population sizes. Depending on the situation, your PMP may also use insect growth regulators. They will use products as a last resort and only when the non-chemical procedures are not sufficient to get rid of the problems. If products are needed, they will be used in accordance with the product’s approved label and use directions.

Orkin can provide the right solution to keep beetles in their place…out of your home or business.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Behavior, Diet & Habits

Understanding Beetles


  • Characteristics: Beetles have well-developed antennae and chewing mouthparts.

  • Wings: Beetles have shell-like front wings known as elytra. These front wings are often very hard and appear more like a shell than wings. The beetle folds the front wings so they cover the back wings. They are durable and waterproof, serving as protection against damage and dehydration. Most adults seem to have a line down their back where the two front wings meet. Beetles are often poor fliers.


Beetles belong to the insect order Coleoptera. This is the largest order of insects. There are more than a quarter million beetle species in the world. In North America alone, scientists have identified more than 25,000 species.


Beetles develop in a complete metamorphosis four-stage life cycle (egg, larva, pupa, and adult). The length of the life cycle also varies according to the type. Some develop very quickly and they can produce more than one generation each year. Others, like some of the wood-boring beetles can take several years to decades to develop from egg to adult. The length of the life cycle also depends on the amount of food that is available for the larvae to eat as well as environmental conditions.


They feed on plants, small insects and animal fibers, depending on species. A few beetles are considered pests in gardens and crops, although some species may benefit humans by killing harmful insects. Adults often deposit their eggs near the food that the larvae will eat when they hatch.

Problem Behaviors

Carpet beetle larvae eat natural fibers and feathers. They often damage woolens and other fabrics. Others, like powderpost beetles, feed on hardwoods and bamboo. These pests attack furniture and other items made of wood.

Some, like the flour beetles and the grain beetles, attack food products in homes. They also damage food in production facilities and stores. Some damage lawns and landscapes. Immature June beetles, called grubs, attack the roots of grass. The elm leaf beetle damages trees by eating the leaves.

Beneficial Beetles

Many beetles are beneficial insects. The lady beetle (often called ladybug) feeds on plant pests like aphids and mealybugs. Gardeners appreciate these insects and try to keep them in the garden.

Sometimes lady beetles can become nuisances. In the late summer and fall, homeowners can find hundreds clustered on the outside of homes. They are trying to invade homes for shelter through the winter or are looking to escape inclement conditions.

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