Treating Bird Mites

Bird mites are parasites that feed on the blood of birds and use their nests as breeding places. These mites can greatly endanger the health of affected birds and are capable of causing skin irritation in humans. Bird mites will die within a few days, depending on species, if they are denied food. They tend to inhabit poultry houses and farms, as well as homes with pet birds.

Bird mites are present in humid conditions and breed most prolifically in spring and early summer. These times are also the best times to treat bird mites, as their increased populations lead to increased visibility. However, it is recommended that poultry houses experiencing bird mite infestations be treated at least twice a year.

In controlling bird mites around homes, the removal of bird nests is the most important step. It is important to follow state and governmental regulations, however, since some bird species are protected and actions may be limited. Areas surrounding identified breeding sites should be inspected for additional nests, as well. Following the disposal of all infested nests, insecticide treatments, applied according to the label, may be applied to treat visible specimens.

For best results, contact your local pest control professionals. They know how to deal with bird mite infestations in the safest, most effective manner.

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