Asian Tiger Mosquito Facts & Information
Protect your home or business from Asian tiger mosquitoes by learning techniques for identification and control.
Asian Tiger Mosquito Treatment
How do I get rid of Asian tiger mosquitoes?
What You Can Do
Eliminating water sources may help to control Asian tiger mosquitoes. Ditches should be cleaned, and other water containers, such a birdbaths, should be emptied each day. If possible, water containers should be covered with tight lids.
Orkin Asian Tiger Mosquito Pest Control
Your local Orkin Pro is trained to help manage Asian tiger mosquitoes and similar pests. Since every building or home is different, your Orkin Pro will design a unique mosquito treatment program for your situation.
Contact your local Orkin branch for help with mosquito control.
Frequently Asked Questions
Behavior, Diet & Habits
Understanding Asian Tiger Mosquitoes
What do Asian tiger mosquitoes look like?
The body of the Asian tiger mosquito is black and white and measures approximately 5 mm in length. Their legs are striped black and white. Males feed on nectar, while the female Asian tiger mosquito has an elongated proboscis used to extract blood. This blood is used in the development of eggs. Asian tiger mosquitoes lay their eggs in water sources such as containers holding water.
Where do Asian tiger mosquitoes live?
Asian tiger mosquitoes (Aedes albopictus) are also known as forest day mosquitoes. Native to Southeast Asia, these mosquitoes have spread across the globe. Asian tiger mosquitoes can thrive in a wide variety of environments and conditions.
Asian Tiger Mosquito Lifespan
These mosquitoes are most active during the day and require very little water to breed. Asian tiger mosquito breeding spots can be located near the site where a bite occurs. A female Asian tiger mosquito may lay eggs in standing puddles, containers or other bodies of water. The eggs of Asian tiger mosquitoes can transform into larvae just one day after being laid. These larvae, commonly referred to as "wrigglers" for their distinctive swimming style, stay in the water habitat near the surface until they undergo pupation. During this pupal stage, they remain within protective cases until they mature into adult mosquitoes. Once they emerge from their pupal cases, the adult mosquitoes leave their water habitat and begin the mating process.
Asian Tiger Mosquito Bite