Moth Prevention Tips

How Do They Get Inside the Home?

The most common ways that moths get inside are by flying through an open door or window and being unintentionally brought inside via infested food products, infested plants, on infested fabric items and on our clothing when a moth lands on a piece of our clothing and is unknowingly brought inside a home or business.

Moth Illustration

Moth Illustration

Inspect Food Products

To prevent or minimize moth entry, inspect all food products brought into the home. This is particularly important with pet foods and grain-based products.

Inspect Household Goods

Be sure to inspect the following areas for the immature or the adult moth stages before bringing them inside a home or business:

  • Clothing

  • Furniture

  • Fabrics

  • Rugs

  • Plants

Limit Outdoor Lighting

Another effective way to limit moth entry into a structure is to use outdoor lighting only when necessary since lights are a significant moth attractor around the home at night.


Moth Home Protection

Indian Meal Moths

Indian Meal Moth Illustration

Spongy Moth Facts and Information

Spongy Moth illustration

What are these milky-colored worms with reddish-orange heads?


Image coming soon

Cabbage Loopers

Image coming soon

Types of Caterpillars

Moth Prevention Tips

Moth Larvae

Moth Life Cycle

Pantry Moths

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