How to Identify and Remove Brown Recluse Spiders from Your Home

Question: How common are brown recluse spiders in the home?

Answer: Brown recluse spiders are not that common. There are several species of recluse spiders in the United States. They are found in almost every part of the country. However, other types of spiders can deliver a similar bite, so the bite does not confirm the spider as a recluse.

Follow these simple guidelines for identifying a spider as a recluse. They are nearly uniformly pale brown to light brown spiders. Their legs are not striped and not especially hairy.

The violin shape on the head region is distinct. Some people call these "fiddleback spiders" because of this marking. The brown recluse, when full grown and legs extended, is about the size of a quarter.

Recluse spiders, as their name suggests, hide during the day. They hide in places like closets, garages, crawl spaces, and storage sheds. Of course, when in doubt it is always safe to be cautious. They are not aggressive animals and usually only bite when counter pressure is applied and the spider is trapped between a surface and the skin.

Spiders are predators. They feed on other insects. So, controlling spiders usually requires controlling insects or other "bugs." Give us a call to set up a home inspection. You will be provided with recommendations and a treatment plan from Orkin to control, not just the spiders, but also the other prey they are feeding on.

If someone is bitten, watch them closely for a reaction. Seek medical attention, and if possible, try to take the spider for identification.

Related Information

  • Brown Recluse Prevalence

  • Difference Between a Cellar Spider and a Brown Recluse Spider

  • Treat Brown Recluse Spiders

  • General Spider Control and Facts

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