Can I cover a mouse hole with foil?

Question: Does covering a mouse hole with foil really keep the mice from coming back through the same hole? What would be the best way to get a mouse out of a basement?

Answer: The foil would do nothing. I would recommend you call your local Orkin branch office and set up a rodent inspection of your home. Your highly trained Orkin Pest Specialist will inspect, looking for clues leading to the entry points for the rodents. The Specialist will also look for conditions that are conducive to rodents around your home. Upon completion of the inspection and a thorough assessment, the Specialist will make recommendations, based on the science of rodent control, on the best way to close up any entry points as part of a customized treatment plan for your home.

Read more about mouse control here, or contact your local Orkin Branch office for an inspection today.

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