How Long Can Bed Bugs Stay Dormant?

Picture of Adult Bed Bug on Human Hand for Scale

Bed bugs, like most other insects, possess a behavioral characteristic that allows them to enter into a hibernation-like condition called diapause that enables the insects to go dormant.

The Purpose of Diapause:

  • Slow down the bed bug’s metabolism.

  • Conserve energy and enable them to resume their normal behavior when environmental conditions are again conducive.

Bed Bugs Generally Do Not Go Dormant Because:

  • Homes and businesses are environmental conditions both bed bugs and people find conducive.

  • Environment has warm temperatures without extreme variations.

  • Controlled humidity.

  • Favorable place to take meals and a place that provides shelter and protection.

  • Where bed bugs have available hosts and a source of blood, they may rarely, if ever, go into diapause.

A laboratory study that is decades old showed bed bugs being dormant for about 500 days; however, that is not typical since bed bugs in a natural setting will attempt to consume a blood meal rather than remain dormant for such a long period.

More recent studies related to bed bugs and dormancy showed cooler temperatures inhibit bed bug activity when the temperature in their habitat is below approximately 60° Fahrenheit.

Cold Temperatures & Bed Bugs:

  • Bed bugs are resilient to cold temperatures and adults may survive for up to a year without feeding and nymphs up to three months without taking a blood meal.

  • Even when dormant, cold temperatures reach a point where bed bugs do not survive.

  • Studies have generally shown that bed bugs do not survive temperatures of 0° Fahrenheit for more than four days.


Protect Your Home from Bed Bugs

Do Bed Bugs Feed Every Night? | Bed Bug Life Cycle

Pest Control

Bed Bug Pest Control Treatment | Bed Bug Exterminator

Bed bug image

DIY Bed Bug Treatment | Natural Bed Bug Killer

Do Bed Bug Bombs Work? | Bed Bug Traps

What Are Signs of a Bed Bug Infestation?

What happens when the creepy critters make their way inside?

Do you use super heating to kill bed bugs?

What Do Bed Bugs and Eggs Look Like on Clothes?

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How to Prevent Bed Bug Infestations | Bed Bug Facts

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