Blue House Flies

The blue bottle fly is sometimes called the blue housefly. It earns its name as a result of its shiny, blue-green carapace. Blue houseflies are commonly referred to as bottle flies, blowflies or blue bottles. They are attracted to garbage, rotting animal carcasses and open animal wounds.

These flies can be found in barnyards, restaurant trash areas and garbage dumps. They may also be found within homes when small, dead animals such as mice or birds are present. These flies are more than a nuisance because they have been shown to transmit diseases.

These flies tend to be slightly larger than common house flies and produce a loud, droning buzz. Adults can sometimes be seen gathering on window and door screens. Contact your local pest control professional to discuss custom treatments and extermination methods for your home.


Dig Deeper on House Flies

Gestation of a House Fly

Different House Fly Species

Blue House Flies

House Fly Larvae

House Fly Eyes

House Fly Sounds

House Flies and Disease

Lesser House Fly Facts | Get Rid of Little House Flies

Where Do Flies Lay Eggs? | Get Rid of Flies

Small Red Flies In House | Red Fruit Flies

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