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Millipede Lifespan

How Long Do Millipedes Live?

Millipedes are long-lived critters when they occupy their preferred outdoor habitats.There are many species of millipedes with different lifespans. Millipedes are like most other animals since they do have some predators that will cut short their lives if given the opportunity.



An Extended Lifespan

The life cycle of millipedes involves rather extended periods of time while in their immature stages and also involves extended periods of time as adults.

While it is difficult to provide an answer that covers all millipedes, it is probably an acceptable estimate to say that millipedes could have a lifespan of up to 10 years in a laboratory environment. It would be challenging to predict how long they will live in the wild.

Lifespan of Millipedes in the House

If millipedes venture inside a typical home or business and are not able to find living conditions similar to their protected, moist and food plentiful outdoor habitats, they will not live for much more than 2-4 weeks after coming indoors.


Dig Deeper on Millipedes

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Types of Millipedes

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Centipede vs. Millipede Differences

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