How to Identify Mouse Droppings

Can Diseases Be Spread By Mice Feces?

Mouse feces indicate areas where mice are most active. Measuring approximately 3 to 6 mm in length, they are granular in shape and black in color. Mouse feces are commonly mistaken for cockroach or rat droppings.

Mouse droppings are concentrated near breeding and nesting grounds, although they may also be seen in other areas of the house from time to time. Feces are also present near items that have been destroyed by mice during the nesting process. They can be found in chewed cardboard boxes, invaded drawers and near damaged electrical wiring.

These droppings may carry harmful bacteria, diseases and viruses and should not be handled without the use of protective gloves and an OSHA-approved respirator and functioning cartridges. Hantavirus is contracted through the inhalation of particles of contaminated feces, as well as inhalation or ingestion of an infected mouse's saliva or urine. Disturbed droppings are more likely to emit virus particles, so it is unwise to sweep or vacuum areas where feces have been found. Rather, droppings should be picked up carefully and disposed of in plastic bags.

Mouse Anatomy

What Do Mice Eat?

Mouse Home Infestation

Differences Between Rats and Mice


Dig Deeper on Mice

I have a dead animal or mouse in my wall

What can we do about the mice above the ceiling?

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What should we do about mice in crawl space and attic?

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Mice in the oven

Mouse droppings in the house

What attracts mice in your house?

How to Use Mouse Bait Stations

How to Find a Dead Mouse in the House

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