Rodent Infestation

Rodent infestations in or surrounding a home can prove extremely destructive. Different species are known for different nesting and feeding behaviors, but infestations cause damage to gardens and yards, as well as to the home and the contents.

Rat in Kitchen Pantry

Rat in Kitchen Pantry

Attractants may be used to lure rats into traps. However, rats are highly suspicious of anything new that comes into their established foraging paths. Glue and classic snap traps are available for purchase, but they are only effective when placed properly, which involves an understanding of rodent biology and habits. Although baits are commercially available, they are potentially harmful to humans and pets if not used correctly.

Rodents multiply swiftly, and infestations may be extremely difficult to exterminate. It is advised that anyone experiencing a rodent infestation contact their local pest control management professional for an inspection, consultation and customized solution.


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