Small Rodents

Small rodents have become invaluable test subjects in laboratory research. In fact, the tendency to perform experiments on rodents has led to all test subjects being commonly referred to as guinea pigs. Rats have been popular specimens in laboratories for many years.

However, small rodents are not always beneficial to humankind. Certain rat and mice species are dependent upon human dwellings for shelter and sustenance. A number of these are destructive and dangerous, causing damage to infested structures and transmitting a variety of diseases to humans.

Small rodents such as gophers, moles, rats and mice may also prove to be pests in agricultural communities as well as in residences. These rodents burrow for shelter, thereby destroying planted areas and root systems. They feed on crops and contaminate produce with their feces, saliva and urine.


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Pest Control

Rodent Pest Control Treatment & Removal Services

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