Termites in Carpets

While termites typically are feared for their wood-destroying abilities, they can consume any product made of cellulose, including carpet fibers. Termites also can feed on the carpet pad, subfloor and carpet tack strips.

If you notice carpet or rug fibers getting worn in low traffic areas, termites could be the cause. A termite inspector can help you determine if the carpet or flooring materials under the carpet may be concealing a termite infestation. He or she also can help determine the extent of the damage, if termites are the cause.

If termite damage is limited to the carpet and carpet pad, it typically is fairly easy to replace the carpet after treating the termite infestation. However, if your expert found termites under the carpet in the subfloor or floor supports, the repairs may be more complicated and costly. A licensed contractor should repair any damage beneath the superficial carpet layer to help maintain your home's structural integrity. After all, floor supports must be able to withstand the weight of furniture, appliances and walls, not to mention people walking across the floor.

If you discover a signs of a potential termite rug infestation - indoors or outdoors - contact a licensed termite inspector. He or she can help confirm whether termites are the cause, and if necessary, recommend treatment methods to control current and future termite activity.

Termite Control

How do you know if you have termites?

Learn the signs to look for to determine if you might have a termite infestation.

Why should you be worried?

Termites cost Americans more than $5 billion in damage each year and most insurance plans don’t cover the damage.

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Dig Deeper on Termite Damage

What Does Termite Damage Look Like? | Termite Damage Signs

Signs of Termites in Walls | Termites in Drywall

Can Termite Damage Be Fixed? | Signs of Termite Damage

Termite Floor Damage

Water Damage vs. Termite Damage

How Do Termites Get Into Your House?

Termite Attic Damage

Termites Under House Slab

Termite Damage and Insulation

Termite Wood Damage

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