Miller Moth Facts & Information

Protect your home or business from miller moths by learning techniques for identification and control.

Image coming soon
Acronicta leporine
38-43 mm long
Pale gray or white with black markings

Miller Moth Treatment

How do I get rid of miller moths?

What You Can Do Against Miller Moths

  • Light Management: Since miller moths are attracted to light, minimizing outdoor lighting during peak seasons can reduce their presence around homes.

  • Sealing Entry Points: Seal cracks and gaps in windows, doors, and other entry points to prevent moths from entering living spaces.

What Orkin Does to Remove Miller Moths

Miller moth treatment with an Orkin Pro would include the following:

  • Inspection & Treatment Plan

  • Customer Education

  • Monitoring

  • Habitat Reduction & Non-Chemical Treatments

  • Insect Growth Regulators

  • Chemical Control

Your local Orkin Pro is trained to help manage miller moths and similar pests. Your Orkin Pro will design a unique miller moth treatment program for your home or business.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Behavior, Diet & Habits

Understanding Miller Moths

What do miller moths look like?

Size: Miller moths are about 1.5 to 2 inches long with an estimated wingspan of 1 inch.

Color: The coloration of miller moths is characterized by muted brown and gray tones. Their wings may exhibit various shades of these colors, and some individuals may have subtle patterns.

Characteristics: The body of miller moths is cylindrical. Their bodies are covered in scales, which give the wings a powdery appearance. Their wings are relatively broad, and when at rest, they may fold them over their bodies. Like many moth species, miller moths have feathery or filamentous antennae. These antennae are used for sensing their environment and locating mates.

What do miller moths eat?

Miller moths mainly feed on nectar from flowers. They use their proboscis, a long, flexible tube-like mouthpart, to extract nectar from flowering plants. Miller moths are important pollinators for certain plants. Their feeding habits contribute to the pollination of flowers, aiding in the reproduction of flowering plants. While nectar is their main source of food, adult miller moths may also consume tree sap.

The larvae stage of miller moths have a different diet. The caterpillars feed on vegetation, including grasses. They are herbivores and play a role in the ecosystem by breaking down plant material.

Life Span of Miller Moths

The lifespan of miller moths can vary based on their life cycle stages, which include the egg, larva, pupa, and adult stages. Here's an overview of the different life stages of miller moths:

Egg Stage: Female miller moths tend to lay eggs in grassy areas. In a few weeks, miller moth eggs hatch into larvae.

Larval Stage: The larvae, or caterpillars, feed on various plants. This stage is the longest part of the Miller moth life cycle lasting several weeks, depending on environmental conditions and food availability.

Pupal Stage: Next is the pupal stage where miller moths undergo metamorphosis.

Adult Stage: Adult moths emerge from pupae, ready to mate and continue the life cycle.

Miller Moth Migration

Miller moths are known for their seasonal migrations in North America, often moving from mountains to plains in large numbers. Miller moths originate in the mountains of Colorado, where they overwinter in a pupal stage. Then they migrate to grassy plains and lower elevations for feeding and reproduction. Miller moth migration in Colorado typically occurs during late spring and early summer, often from late May through June.

Learn More About Moths

How To Get Rid Of Moths

Find helpful tips on getting rid of moths.

Where Do Moths Come From?

Learn about where moths come from.

Moth Life Cycle

Moths have 4 distinct life stages.

Moth Prevention Tips

Find helpful tips on preventing moths in your home.

Moth Damage

Do moths create damage?

What Are Moth Balls Used For?

Find helpful tips on what you can use moth balls for.

Other Moths to Know About

Cactus Moth

Buck Moth

Spongy Moth

Indian Meal Moth

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