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How do I keep mice out of my RV or camper?

Mice may look cute and innocent; however, they can destroy an RV or camper by chewing into or through almost anything, including wires, plastic and rubber lines, any of which can cause serious and expensive damage. Also, mice can spread disease and carry parasites, which can contaminate your RV. Fall is the season for mice to enter structures, so don’t allow them to live inside your RV over the winter.

Why are mice attracted to campers?

Mice need three main things for survival - food, moisture and shelter - things that almost every RV provides throughout the off-season storage period.

How to mouse proof a camper?

Veteran RV owners likely know these tips and tricks; however, this is likely to be valuable information for new RV owners just starting to enjoy the great outdoors.

  • If you store the RV at home, walk through the RV whenever possible to look for signs of a rodent infestation. Starting up the engine on a motorhome-style RV can help scare away rodents who try to make a home in the engine compartment.

  • Clean RV appliances and remove food crumbs and debris.

  • Empty cabinets and refrigerators of all foodstuffs since mice like to hide behind things.

  • Remove clothes, towels, washcloths and dishcloths for the winter since mice often use cloth items when building their nests.

  • Park the RV on a paved surface, at least 30-35 feet from grassy, brushy or forested areas.

  • Inspect the RV regularly and look for mouse droppings on the countertop, under appliances and furniture. Crawl under your camper and see if you can spot any holes that mice may use to get inside the RV. If you see dropping, contact your Orkin professional for help with removing droppings and nests.

  • Inspect for mouse damage such as gnaw marks or a hole in a seat cushion.

  • Install vertical cones over hoses that lead inside the RV.

  • Inspect behind plumbing, heating and electrical appliance access panels to determine whether mice have built nests or chewed holes around pipes or wiring.

  • Inspect to find out if there are gaps around your camper doors or windows. If you have an RV, pop the hood and look for any holes that would make good entryways for mice. Once you’ve done your inspection the next step is to seal all possible entryways you identified with spray foam, caulk, or wire mesh.

When you need help with mice in your RV, be sure to call on Orkin. From investigation to follow up, Orkin’s Points of Service combine the most advanced technology and methods available today.

More Resources On Mice

Can I Cover a Mouse Hole With Foil?

How Much Will It Cost to Get Rid of a Mouse Infestation in an Apartment?

Are Mice Attracted to House Plants?

I Have a Dead Animal or Mouse in My Wall

Do Ultrasonic Rodent Repellers Really Work?

Does Brodifacoum and Warfrin Rat and Mouse Poison Make Rodents Thirsty?

Does Riddex Really Work for Mice?

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