One Bad Link Can Spoil the Entire Chain

Employee Scanning Shipment

A supply chain is only as strong as its weakest link, and failures can have a domino effect up and down the line. One disruption that can easily infiltrate the supply chain at every point is pests. In your own facility has all the elements pests need for survival: shelter, a controlled climate and access to food and water. Vigilance on your home turf is a start, but it only takes one infested shipment arriving at or leaving your facility to cause trouble from the transportation vehicle, to the warehouse and ultimately its final destination.

Your portion is just one chain in the entire supply chain. We’ve identified four other crucial points to help you understand where your products might be at the biggest risk for pests (for a detailed look at all five of these points, check out Your Guide to Supply Chain Pest Management for Non-Food Manufacturing). In the meantime, here are ways to protect your link in the chain before potential pest problems spread:

  1. Train employees – Educate them on what to look for and who to notify when they see a problem. Now you’ve multiplied the number of eyes in your facility on the lookout out for pests.

  2. Emphasize diligent sanitation – Maintaining a clean facility will contribute to a strong pest defense. Focus on eliminating standing moisture, clutter and organic debris.

  3. Fortify your facility – Like a stringent sanitation routine, exclusion efforts can make all the difference in pest prevention, especially when using products like weather-resistant sealant or door sweeps to help eliminate cracks and crevices where pests can enter.

  4. Isolate any problems – If pests are found, isolate the products or areas they’re located in as quickly as possible to help prevent the problem from spreading.

Every step of the supply chain could fall victim to pest problems. Want to learn about the other potential weak links in your supply chain? Download Your Guide to Supply Chain Pest Management for Non-Food Manufacturing for all your supply chain preparedness tips.

Help protect your facility from pests. Learn how to work with your supply chain partners to help manage pests every step of the way. Download guide.


More on Non-Food Manufacturing

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One Bad Link Can Spoil the Entire Chain

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